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UPP views the problem for many peace initiatives as overcoming the inertia of indifference. By the same token, we have witnessed how controversy can work to elevate awareness for causes that may otherwise be dismissed or ignored. So, consider a website that draws large numbers into debate over critical social issues, challenges them to participate in making a change, and recognizes their efforts in doing so.
UPP doesn’t give answers. It asks for them. Then it analyzes measures and reports results in the form of organic referendums for social reforms. The effect of bringing diverse ideas into a single arena accelerates networking and contributes to the building of internet communities. This is our groundbreaking design for a peace engine. UPP believes it can produce a lasting impact in the quest for civilization’s most elusive prize of all: PEACE.
UPP doesn’t give answers. It asks for them. Then it analyzes measures and reports results in the form of organic referendums for social reforms. The effect of bringing diverse ideas into a single arena accelerates networking and contributes to the building of internet communities. This is our groundbreaking design for a peace engine. UPP believes it can produce a lasting impact in the quest for civilization’s most elusive prize of all: PEACE.